En los últimos días, la primera ola de calor que azotó la mayor parte del país este verano en España ha causado al menos dos muertos, ocho de las cuales han emitido alertas rojas de altas temperaturas con máximas locales de 44 grados centígrados, informó la Agencia Estatal de meteorología (aemet).
Según el Servicio Meteorológico español, la mayor parte de la región ha alcanzado su primer pico de altas temperaturas este verano, después de lo cual se espera que vuelva a establecer un nuevo récord de temperaturas extremas.

Un hombre se enfría con agua de fuente en el parque de Río en madrid, españa, el 26 de junio de 2023, hora local.
According to the data provided by State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), the summer temperature in 2023 broke the record of Spain. The high temperature weather has led to sustained drought, continuous decline in reservoir water levels, and a significant increase in electricity consumption. In addition, Spain will receive approximately 81 million euros from the EU Agricultural Reserve Fund to cope with the impact of dry weather on its agriculture. At the same time, Spain will also launch a total of 700 million euros in funding to assist farmers in the areas most affected by drought.
Catalonia in Spain is rich in grapes. According to the Federation of Catalan Agricultural cooperative, due to the continuous drought in Catalonia, the grape yield may decline by up to 60% in 2023, which will eventually affect the price of grapes and their derivatives.
According to a report from the Spanish health department, extreme high temperatures in the country have caused two deaths. A 47 year old farmer from Province of Seville Province, Andalusia Autonomous Region, who was working in the fields under the scorching sun, died of heat stroke. Another worker in the city of Reyal in Castilla–La Mancha region died of heatstroke while working in the vineyard that day.
In recent years, heatwaves have become more frequent in June, and scientists generally believe that this is related to global climate change caused by human activities. The spokesman of State Meteorological Agency, Ruvin Delcampo, said, «In the past 12 years, the frequency of heat waves in June has tripled.» According to the data of State Meteorological Agency, there have been six heat waves in June since 2011, while in the previous 35 years, there have been only five heat waves in this period. According to Del Campo, this is consistent with the fact that summer has been extended by about 10 days every decade since the 1980s.